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2024-02-13 06:20:39 +00:00
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Last Updated&#xA;On: February 10th, 2024&#xA;By: Ategon&#xA;All Authors: Ategon&#xA;Automation Guidelines # These are guidelines to follow when using any form of automation on an account hosted on Programming.Dev (&amp;ldquo;programming.dev&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;we&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;us&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;our&amp;rdquo;) sites or in communities hosted on the site from federated instances. When using automation within communities on other instances make sure to follow their specific guidelines in addition to these if they exist.&#xA;Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the account using the automation being banned from the instance.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Last Updated&#xA;On: February 11th, 2024&#xA;By: Ategon&#xA;All Authors: Ategon&#xA;Code of Conduct # This code of conduct details the expected conduct of users using Programming.Dev (&amp;ldquo;programming.dev&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;we&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;us&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;our&amp;rdquo;) sites whether in communities local to our sites or on communities federated with it that is visible from our site. It also applies to other spaces we exist such as our discord server and matrix server. Users visible on our sites regardless of whether they are local or federated may be actioned upon if they do not follow this code of conduct.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Last Updated&#xA;On: February 11th, 2024&#xA;By: Ategon&#xA;All Authors: Ategon&#xA;Defederation Policy # This document details how Programming.Dev (&amp;ldquo;programming.dev&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;we&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;us&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;our&amp;rdquo;) choose to defederate with other instances. If an instance wishes to be federated and thus have their content show on our sites they must abide by the policy and ensure they do not do one of the actions in the how an instance gets defederated section.&#xA;What is Defederation?</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Last Updated&#xA;On: February 10th, 2024&#xA;By: Ategon&#xA;All Authors: Ategon&#xA;Donation Policy # This is a policy that describes how Programming.Dev (&amp;ldquo;programming.dev&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;we&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;us&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;our&amp;rdquo;) handles donations towards us.&#xA;How are Donations Made? # Donations are currently made using snowe&amp;rsquo;s github sponsors page. If you get another place to donate that is not this it is fake and should be reported to us.&#xA;How are Donations Spent? # Donations are spent on things relating to our sites.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Last Updated&#xA;On: February 10th, 2024&#xA;By: recursive_recursion and Ategon&#xA;All Authors: Ategon, recursive_recursion&#xA;Privacy Policy # This privacy policy describes how Programming.Dev (&amp;ldquo;programming.dev&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;we&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;us&amp;rdquo;, &amp;ldquo;our&amp;rdquo;) collects, protects and uses information provided to us when you use our services including:&#xA;Our websites such as programming.dev or bytes.programming.dev. APIs for our websites. Any other place we collect information from you and link this Privacy Policy. By joining and contributing to our services, you acknowledge that it is running on early release software.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>